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The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Updated 05-20-99
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Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. This is the page with news for May, 1999. Click on the above link to the Previous Edition for all of the news for April, 1999, or go to the archives for any of the earlier editions.

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Happy Birthday to Joann's sister, Ginny Ives Bishop. Ginny made a long-planned visit to Joann yesterday, and was surprised with drop-ins by Judy Ives Barba and Janet Ives Angelis, and a angel cake beautifully baked by Joann. Daddy noticed that Larissa was practicing fearsome looks last evening and suspects the Ives sisters had gotten together to pass along family secrets to the next generation.

Joann had a CT scan on Monday, and yesterday afternoon she received a report that the tumor is essentially unchanged from the last scan in February. This is not the best news we could have received, but it is not the worst news we could have received. Joann's next appointment with Dr. Grund for examination and chemotherapy is Thursday, May 27. The plan has been to continue with Taxol and Carboplatin as long as the tumor is not growing. Prayers and positive thoughts remain an important part of the program, and we appreciate all contributions.

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Larissa & Mommy on the Swings on Mother's Day
Click on image for larger version.

Well, as Barbara Orekondy, one of our friends from AMC, wrote to Joann over the weekend, "I guess no news is good news." That is the case. Joann and Larissa and Jim and Blacky are doing well. Jim hasn't updated the website for 4 weeks. He apologizes to all of you who are bored with "Updated 04-15-99".

Since that last update, Joann is now half-way through her 12th round of Taxol/Carboplatin chemotherapy. She had a long day in the chemotherapy suite at Albany Medical Center on April 29. Her blood counts were good yesterday, so we were able to stop the Neupogen injections last night.

News about Larissa - Most recent accomplishments first

Up from the floor to a sitting position on May 6 - she does it routinely now.
First tooth visible on May 3
"Ma-Ma" and "Da-Da" on April 26. Daddy thinks that Auntie Linda told Larissa to be sure to say both on the same day. Larissa may turn out to be quite the diplomat.

We had gone to Nantucket over the weekend of April 24 for the annual Daffodil Weekend. We were guest at the Sconset home of Linda and Jim Cravens. We also enjoyed seeing Gail and Frank Berardesca, Carter and Ken Dunn, Susan and Bob Starbuck, Jane and Bill Taylor, Marcia and Steve Anderson, and we can't leave out Paul Berardesca, Grant Dunn, and Ryan Starbuck. We had a great time and look forward to continuing those visits well into the next millenium.

On our trip back from Nantucket, we managed to catch the end of the Spring Recital of the Albany Medical Center Chamber Players in the D Lobby. Dr. Marla Eglowstein was a featured player, on both the cello and bass. Afterwards, we had brief visit with Dr. Marla's family, and Larissa got to meet Sophie for the first time. (Sophie was born on October 9 last year.) Davi treated us to delightful private dance recital, with Nate providing admirable encouragement.

Thanks for visiting. Please continue your prayers and positive thoughts.  Joann is continuing her battle against lung cancer with incredible resolve and good spirits.  Jim is blessed with Joann and Larissa, and we all thrive with wonderful support from family and friends.

Click on the date of the previous bulletin you would like to see.

Mar'99 Feb'99 Jan'99 Dec'98 Nov'98 Oct'98
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