How is she doing?
The Official Joann Ives Bulletin dashdot.gif (419 bytes)

Previous Edition Updated 7-01-98 Next Edition

Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. We hope that this page is useful and we will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

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How she is:joann_hosp.jpg (16121 bytes)

As you know by now, Joann is at Albany Medical Center with a large, inoperable, cancerous tumor in her right lung. She is also 26-1/2 weeks pregnant. This has greatly complicated her treatment. Her doctors, Stephen H. Grund, MD, PhD, Oncology, and Marla S. Eglowstein, MD, Perinatology, have researched and consulted with colleagues around the country to design a treatment program that will start Joann's recovery and be safe for the baby.

Joann begins her chemotherapy today. She told Jim last night, "I'll be starting the first leg of a long and tortuous journey."

Each chemotherapy cycle will last at least three weeks. Joann will be nauseous for the first 48 hours of each cycle. Her white blood cell count will drop for the first week, and then begin to climb back during the following two weeks. She will be monitored very closely, and at the appropriate time, the next cycle will begin.

Joann and Jim have received tremendous support from innumerable people. The response of numerous medical professionals, both in Albany and elsewhere, in explaining the disease, the options, and the risks, has been been extremely helpful in enabling them to quickly and confidently agree on the recommended treatment.


About baby Larissa:Baby2.gif (18562 bytes)

Larissa today is at 26 weeks and 6 days. The ultrasound to the right was taken on Friday, June 26. She weighed 2 lbs. She should be gaining approximately 1/2 lbs. a week as she starts the third trimester of her pre-birth development. She will be delivered at the end of one of Joann's chemotherapy cycles, by Caesarean section, of course. So the earliest delivery date will be July 22. We will keep you posted here.


How to reach Joann:
She is going to be moving around, so check here for latest information.

Room D455
Albany Medical Center
43 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

She is in building D, room 455. A hospital map and directions are available at the Albany Medical web site:

The number to call for patient information at Albany Medical Center is 518-262-3791

How to reach Larissa:
She is going to be moving around also, so check with Mommy for latest information.

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