How is she doing?
The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Previous Edition Updated 8-04-98 Next Edition

How it started | How she is | Baby Larissa | Jim | Blacky
How to Reach Them | Archives
Map and Directions | Around Albany
Cancer Reference | Preemies

Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. We hope this page is useful, and we will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

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How she is:mother_child.jpg

Your thoughts and prayers have been working! Joann is doing so well that she has been released from the hospital. She and Jim are staying at the Ronald McDonald House of Albany, a few blocks from Albany Medical Center, so they can be near Larissa.


About baby Larissa:lara.jpg

Larissa continues to amaze everyone. She is doing extremely well in her isolette. She got lots of rest Sunday. The doctors think that she will be ready to be transferred to neonatal care at Benedictine Hospital in Kingston on the 14th.

We will archive email to Larissa at


What about Jim?father_child1.jpg

Jim finally got some sleep this weekend. He got 4 hours on Saturday and 7.5 hours on Sunday. He is afraid that this doubling trend will continue, this is the land of Rip Van Winkle!


And Blacky?blky2.jpg

Blacky is still out at the farm on Spillway Road where Jim's sister Rosemarie is taking good care of him.


Click on the date of the previous bulletin you would like to see.

8-03-98 7-31-98 7-30-98 7-29-98 7-28-98
7-24-98 7-23-98 7-22-98 7-21-98 7-20-98 7-19-98
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7-12-98 7-11-98 7-10-98 7-9-98 7-8-98 7-7-98
7-5-98 7-4-98 7-3-98 7-2-98 7-1-98 6-30-98

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E-mail Joann | E-mail Jim