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The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Updated 02-24-99
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Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. This is the page with all of the news for February, 1999. Click on the above link to the Previous Edition for all of the news for January, 1999, or go to the archives for any of the earlier editions.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)February 24, 1999

Yesterday, as we drove back from Albany, there was a rainbow in the sky ahead of us.

Joann received a phone call from Dr. Grund this afternoon, and the preliminary report is that yesterday's CT scan shows the tumor has continued to decrease in size! This is very good news, indeed. Joann's next chemotherapy will be on Wednesday, March 3.

Your continued prayers and positive thoughts will be very much appreciated.

Happy Birthday today to Jeff Ives, who remains older than Joann. We sent him a birthday card yesterday, which he may not get today. I'm sure he'll be much happier with the news above, anyway.

Our sincere sympathies to our sister-in-law, Elena Valussi. Her grossvater, Remo Bittasi, died on Monday in Verona, Italy. We met him at Elena and Ed's wedding in September, 1997, and he was a delightful man. Our condolences also to his wife, Liseta, his daughter Chiara, and grandchildren Giovanna and Marco.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)February 22, 1999

The Ives & Shaughnessy family arrived home late last night from a five day trip to Pittsburgh to visit with Grandma Marie Shaughnessy. She is recovering very well from her hip replacement surgery on January 21. Larissa is a much better traveler than Blacky. Blacky wanted to sit on Mommy's lap. For the most part, Larissa was lulled to sleep by the car motion.

Joann is doing well. Tomorrow we go to Albany Medical Center for a CT scan. We'll get another picture of how we are doing in the battle against the lung tumor. Given how Joann feels, we hope to see continued reduction in the tumor.

Larissa is over 15-1/2 lbs. Her hand dexterity has increased a lot, and she is trying to roll from back to stomach. That will result in a big increase in her mobility, so Mommy and Daddy are facing a narrowing window of opportunity for baby-proofing the house.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)February 9, 1999

Just a short message today to let you know that Joann is doing well.

Today is the fifth anniversary of Joann and Jim meeting! It has been a wonderful and rewarding five years.

Larissa continues to thrive.

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Joann and Jim travelled to Albany Medical Center for Joann's ninth cycle of Taxol and carboplatin. Dr. Grund was very, very pleased with Joann's progress, especially after he was able to hear air movement throughout Joann's right lung. His smile was extremely genuine, and Joann was quite willing to allow him a bit of hyperbole when he exclaimed "Perfect!" as he dropped his stethoscope. The next chemo treatment will be on March 1, and Joann will have a CT scan on February 22 or 23 to have an image of her progress.

Dr. Marla Eglowstein came by the Cancer Center for a visit, which was a nice treat. Her new daughter, Sophie, is doing fine, and we hope that she and Larissa will have a chance to meet soon. Janet Angelis came over for a visit, also, providing another treat. Thanks to Sue Roesser and Judy Barba, who, after much arm-twisting, spent the day with Larissa, and prepared dinner for us.

Marie Shaughnessy returned home today after hip-replacement surgery on January 21 and a week in the rehabilitation unit at Sewickley Valley Hospital. Special thanks go to Rosmarie Shaughnessy, who is "home" providing in-person support.

We're glad to report that Ron Webster is recovering well from his surgery today, and will be discharged to home later in the afternoon.

Thanks for visiting. Please continue your prayers and positive thoughts.

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