How is she doing?
The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Previous Edition Updated 7-28-98 Next Edition

How it started | How she is | Baby Larissa | Jim | Blacky
How to Reach Them | Archives
Map and Directions | Around Albany
Cancer Reference | Preemies


Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. We hope this page is useful, and we will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Joann and Larissa are doing very well. Jim's apologies for publication delays - the tasks of fatherhood seem never ending - where is a guy supposed to find time to do anything? He will try to get more information out in the next few days. dashdot.gif (419 bytes)

How she is:

We did have a rather wild ride this weekend with Joann's situation, and she spent two days in intensive care. She was released back to the D6N on Monday. Today she will have CAT scans in preparation for continuing her chemotherapy later this week. Much more on her very soon.


About baby Larissa:lara.jpg

Larissa is doing great. Much more on her very soon.


What about Jim?

Jim is doing okay. He will be staying at Ronald McDonald House of Albany most nights for the next several weeks.


And Blacky?blky2.jpg

Blacky is staying with Rosmarie Shaughnessy at Spillway Road.


Click on the date of the previous bulletin you would like to see.

7-24-98 7-23-98 7-22-98 7-21-98 7-20-98 7-19-98
7-18-98 7-17-98 7-16-98 7-15-98 7-14-98 7-13-98
7-12-98 7-11-98 7-10-98 7-9-98 7-8-98 7-7-98
7-5-98 7-4-98 7-3-98 7-2-98 7-1-98 6-30-98

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