How is she doing?
The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Previous Edition Updated 09-10-98 Next Edition

How it started | How she is | Baby Larissa | Jim | Blacky
How to Reach Them | Archives
Map and Directions | Around Albany
Cancer Reference | Preemies

Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. We hope this page is useful, and we will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Joann travels to Albany today with Jim for the third administration of Taxon and carboplatin chemotherapy to combat her lung cancer.

"Today is our fourth wedding anniversary. We were married on September 10, 1994 at Opus 40, in Saugerties, NY. It was a very lovely day. Today is also a lovely day. We will get to spend it together, and Larissa will be waiting for us when we get home. We have a lot to be thankful for."

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How she is:

Joann is very happy to have Larissa home. She has the house very well organized, with everything in place to take care of her daughter. Jim has several piles of stuff scattered around the house, which are supposed to disappear very soon.

Thursday is the next chemotherapy at Albany Medical Center.


About baby Larissa:
  • Larissa rode home from the hospital in her new carseat. She seems to be adjusting very well to her new surroundings.

    We will archive email to Larissa at


    What about Jim?father_child1.jpg

    Jim managed to get the nursery almost finished in time for Larissa's homecoming. He had able help, of course, from Joann, and Ed and Elena, who arived Saturday and spent the whole day helping to get ready.

    Jim asks that you continue your prayers and positive thoughts. We can see a light ahead - the tunnel seems to be still long. Thanks to all.


    And Blacky?

    Blacky is intensly curious about this new object in the house that makes a lot of different noises and that he is not allowed to lick. Mommy and Daddy are confident he will be very protective of Larissa.


    Click on the date of the previous bulletin you would like to see.

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    E-mail Joann | E-mail Jim | E-mail Larissa