How is she doing?
The Official Joann Ives Bulletin
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Previous Edition Updated 8-17-98 Next Edition

How it started | How she is | Baby Larissa | Jim | Blacky
How to Reach Them | Archives
Map and Directions | Around Albany
Cancer Reference | Preemies

Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. We hope this page is useful, and we will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Since Joann is much more mobile these days, we ask that anyone intending to visit please contact Joann or Jim ahead of time.

Lowell Thing has returned from vacation, and his first feature article will appear in a few days.

Bob Starbuck's Photos from August 1 Picnic dashdot.gif (419 bytes)

How she is:jl-aug1798

Joann continues to improve with each day. We had a small crisis last Thursday night - a small part of the c-section incision had become infected and had to be drained (Dr. Suzette seemed to be preparing for another delivery!) There is a wound that is approximately an cm in diameter which needs to be rinsed and packed twice each day, along with a antibiotic that has nasty side-effects. However, it is healing, and the small crisis didn't turn into a large crisis.

We had brunch on Saturday with Dr. Eglowstein and her children, Nathan and Davi. We really enjoyed it. We talkd about Nathan graduating from college in 2010 (MIT ?), and he said he didn't know yet what he wanted to be. Jim pointed out that he may want to do something that no one even knows about today. Joann is a web page designer, and when she graduated from Cornell in 1978 with an architecture degree, the World Wide Web was almost 15 years away!

kc-aug1798Also on Saturday, Joann had a surpise visit from the other girls in her sewing circle- Pam Weeks-Casimir, Carrie Sticklin, and Karen Elsner. Christopher, 3-1/2 months, came along , too.


About baby Larissa:l-aug1798.jpg

Larissa weighed 1480 grams last night, about 3 lbs 4 oz. She is doing very well. The incidents of apnea are much reduced. When Daddy was in Sunday morning for feeding, she was on her stomach facing the back of the isolette. He turned to face front, and went to the sink to wet a wipe. When he returned, she was facing the back of the isolette again! Blacky must have helped her.

Larissa wants Daddy to thank Mary Frances for bringing Grandma up from Spillway Road to see her. Grandma left Saturday to go back home to Leetsdale (Sewickley). Her friends, Kate and Dick Lutz, were picking her up at Pittsburgh Internation Airport. Larissa told Daddy they must be nice people to help Grandma be able to come to New York to visit.

We will archive email to Larissa at


What about Jim?father_child1.jpg

Jim is still experimenting with 1000 speed film, to be able to take pictures in the nursery without a flash. Check back in a few days for new pictures.

Jim asks that you continue your prayers and positive thoughts. We can see a light ahead - the tunnel seems to be still long. Thanks to all.


And Blacky?blky2.jpg

Blacky is still out at the farm on Spillway Road where Jim's sister Rosmarie is taking good care of him. Thanks Rosmarie.


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E-mail Joann | E-mail Jim | E-mail Larissa