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Updated 12-31-98

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Thankgiving, 1998 (with Nantucket photos)
Ives Family Christmas Party, 1998

Thank you for stopping by to check on Joann. This is the page with all of the news for December, 1998. Click on the above link to the Previous Edition for all of the news for November, 1998, or go to the archives for any of the earlier editions.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 31, 1998
We wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Joann's chemotherapy with continue on January 4 with her eighth cycle of Taxol and Carboplatin. We look forward to continued progress against the cancer in 1999. We know that our families and many friends will continue their prayers and positive thoughts.

Larissa has been enjoying her bouncer, a Christmas gift from Grandma.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 30, 1998
We have had a wonderful holiday. We shared Christmas Eve with the Shaughnessy clan, and on Christmas day we hosted Janet Angelis and Tom Trimarchi, the Barba's, the Shaughnessy's, and Ron Webster. Joann was a dazzling hostess.

More photos soon.

We have been reading "One Renegage Cell" by Robert A. Weinberg, which gives a very comprehendable explanation of the cellular and genetic disruptions which can lead to cancer tumors. In the Tuesday, December 22,1998, edition of the NY Times Science Times section, was an article on the clinical trials of a new therapy based on some of the genetic mutations discussed in Weinberg's book. One of the researchers is at Albany Medical Center, and we hope to be able to find out more about it next week.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 24, 1998
This will be a very special Christmas for our family. Joann's continued improvement and Larissa's development are magnificant gifts. We wish you all a very wonderful Holiday season.

Joann, Jim, Larissa, and Blacky

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 23, 1998
Making a new friend
Larissa received Peek-a-Boo Bear as a gift from Frank, Gail, and Paul Berardesca. 1. He was quite large, and at first, Larissa was a bit shy and somewhat apprehensive about making his acquaintance. Perhaps it was because she doesn't know how to play peek-a-boo yet, and certainly not with a bear. 2. She steeled up her courage, though, and approached Peek-a-Boo, seemingly ready for a quick get-away, if that proved necessary. 3. She appeared uncertain, for a bit, that it really was going to be okay. 4. But it was, and Larissa breathed a big sigh of relief and was very pleased that she had made a new and good friend. She is learning something that Mommy has stressed - you can't win if you don't play the game. (Ed. Note - Yesterday's photo was an animated gif, and it seemed not to work in some browsers. The collage above shows the four photos in that animation.)

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 22, 1998
Christmas cards went out today. Marie Shaughnessy was a big help. We can breathe a bit easier now.

Photos from the Ives Family Christmas Party, 1998 are available, including the latest work by artist Michael Angelis.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 18, 1998
Joann is almost finished with preparations for Christmas. There may be a few last minute purchases necessary. Jim, on the other hand, will probably be scrambling next Thursday afternoon. Jim did provide a bit of help with the tree - he hung 4 ornaments.

Grandma Marie Shaughnessy arrived in Kingston for her Christmas visit. She'll be splitting her time between Delta Place and the farm on Spillway Road. Larissa will not have to spend a lot of time alone over the next ten days. (A picture with Uncle Jim Barba has been added to the Photos with Larissa Gallery.)

Tomorrow we go to South Glastonbury, CT, for the annual Ives family Christmas party. It will be at Ginny and Ben Bishop's new house. Pictures will be posted sometime next week.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 14, 1998
A quiet weekend. Joann has almost finished decorating the Christmas tree. Judy and Jim Barba visited for dinner on Saturday. Joann prepared a delicious salmon fillet dish.

Larissa was very active on Saturday. She likes to stand - with help balancing, of course. She spent most of Sunday sleeping, and last night slept 8 hours from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 11, 1998
As usual, Jim is late doing things he wants to do. You might notice the navigation bar at the top of the page has a new addition: Thankgiving, 1998 (with Nantucket photos). Well, at least he got it finished before any other holiday has passed.

Larissa is shown with her friend, Dillar Dillar, the caterpillar.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 8, 1998
Joann is tolerating her chemotherapy rather well - some general achiness over the weekend. She is very busy getting ready for the holidays.

Larissa is busy eating and playing. She had a good time Saturday evening looking at the 12 ft Chrtismas tree at Spillway Road. Last evening she had 3 bottles between 7:00 and midnight and then slept for almost 8 hours.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 4, 1998
Joann had chemotherapy yesterday at Albany Medical Center Cancer Center. This is the seventh dose of Taxol and Carboplatin. So far, she is tolerating it well.

Dr. Appel's office weighed Larissa today at 11 lbs. 0 oz., and she got two immuninzations. She still has some congestion from her cold, but it is improving.

A passerby on the street today asked Jim when new pictures are going on the site. Well, maybe early early next week.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 2, 1998
Happy Birthday to Marie Shaughnessy!

Larissa sent her first birthday present, today, to Grandma - a very pretty poinsettia.

We heard today that Jim's aunt, Margaret Kraus Spenser, died last night after a long illness, in Charleston, SC. Our sincere condolences to Dallas, Karen, and Greg and their families, and also to Herb, Marie, Grace, and Betty.

dotp.gif (130 bytes)December 1, 1998
Happy Birthday to Mary Frances Shaughnessy!

More Good News:
The report on the CT scan done last Tuesday is that the "burden of the tumor in the right lung is reduced, and the nodules in the left lung are diminished." This means that the tumor is continuing to shrink.

Jim asks that you continue your prayers and positive thoughts.
We can see a light ahead - the tunnel seems to be still long.
Thanks to all.


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