Confessions of a hospital visitor (Part II)

by Lowell Thing

On this visit (I came with Jim, who certainly knows the ropes around here), I met one of Joann's charming sisters, Judy. I observed that the frog couple seemed to have proliferated many smaller stuffed animals, who appeared to be reading some of Joann's many get-well cards.

An amazing number of cards had arrived that morning (Wednesday, 7/15) and Jim read them. I observed that Joann, who seems pretty firmly ensconced here by now (lots of cards pinned to Jim's week-end cot, many appurtenances within octopus arm's reach in all directions), was kind of kicking the sheets around. In spite of air conditioning, a lot of the warm outside humidity was getting in. It was a little harder for her to breath, but it didn't slow the conversation down.

Had Joann read the books that Lowell had brought? Not quite, but she had been reading someone else's books, so she was managing to fit some reading in and there was hope here.

The night nurse enters and discusses the evening's medication plan. Whatever it takes. Joann is a medication veteran and it seems to be working. She is tough. We discuss and Jim shows off Joann's new Dell notebook computer. (Windows 98, but they didn't install the channels.) Some chat about Joann's Web page (getting 50 to 60 visitors a day) and various Web sites and some other technical stuff that even we didn't understand. We discuss hearing aid batteries, the profusely opulent flowers in the Ives and Shaughnessy front yard, recent visitors.

Jim takes our picture and also the picture of some of the stuffed animals. Suddenly it's time to go. We give Joann our hugs. (Jim gives her the biggest hug.) Good night, Joann! Good night, Larissa! Get some sleep for a change!